Binham Priory

20 January 2014

Very warm place, you go to church and you're in a friendly environment, safely and peacefully. Most temples have this climate but this had extremely strong. Remains of the Benedictine monastery in the form of a church. Today the once powerful windows bricked up, still majestic and beautiful. As an atheist I see temples by impression rather than by faith. Some have  Something others are indifferent to me. This definitely had SOMETHING :)

Bardzo cieple miejsce, wchodzisz do kosciola i jestes w przyjaznym otoczeniu, bezpiecznie i spokojnie. Wiekszosc swiatyn ma ten klimat ale ta miala wyjatkowo silny. Pozostalosci po klasztorze Benedyktynow  w postaci kosciola. Niegdys potezne okna dzis zamurowane, nadal majestatyczne i piekne. Jako ateista odbieram swiatynie wrazeniowo raczej niz na plaszczyznie wiary. Niektore maja to cos inne sa dla mnie obojetne. Ta zdecydowanie miala COS :)